To continue to ‘Survival in Sahyadri’, lets first know what is ‘Survival’?
Survival is defined as the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. Thus in simple words it is a struggle to remain living or is a procedure of efforts made to continuing living or existence in a situation of difficulties at an unwanted place or in an accident. Survival can be short term or long term. Lifelong survival is called Evolution. Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. For eg. a camel is evaluated to survive in deserts. But in this article we are only concentrating on short term and long term survival.
A short term survival is a survival for a period of few hours to few days. A short term survival may be faced for 1 hour to 3 days. It requires presence of mind. This can be a situation like getting locked in a room or building or getting lost in a place like small desert. This usually challenges our health and not living. A man can stay live 3 weeks without food and 3 days without water. Hence short term survival will be affective your health and lifestyle.
But, a long term survival can run for more than 3 days to few weeks. It also requires presence of mind but what it more requires is will power to survive, as long term survival challenges not only your health but your living. This can be a situation like getting lost in a huge dense jungle full of wild animals and insects or facing an accident where no one is there to help you.
Both, short term as well as long term survival are dangerous, as such situations gives panic as the first feeling to every involved person. In both survival, we have to act fast to continue living. Time is a key factor in survival as more time you take; you lose the chance to survive. It is really good to know that situations that may force us to survive are area bound or limited to the environment. Hence, one can make himself/herself ready for such situations well in advance. What he/she needs to do is to think and foresee. This thinking and foresee must be done at the time of planning to visit that particular location. For eg. while visiting a seashore, one has to consider the accidents like drowning, injuries from sea rocks etc.
So start thinking in advance. Don’t panic and be ready for survival.